
Commercial Window Tinting Benefits

Why Should I Install Commercial Window Tinting for My Business?

Do you manage or own a commercial building, business or storefront? Are you wondering about the advantages of window tinting in your own business or workplace?

Over the years, window tinting has become about so much more than privacy or sun glare on automobiles. We now consider quality tinted windows to be protective, energy conscience, and attractive, both for home and business.

Here’s why modern day quality tinting of windows can be one of the best technology investments you’ll make.

  1. Window Tinting Makes the Environment Warmer
    Window tinting can bring controlled light into rooms while reducing heat, reflections and glare. In addition enjoy a beautiful sunny day without needing to draw the blinds or pull the shades, consider high-quality window treatments.
  2. Enhanced Privacy with Window Tinting
    Window tinting has traditionally been used in one way for increasing privacy. Window tints can keep people from looking in through your windows. While true, today’s window films and window tinting can provide privacy within an office building, for example. This plays an important role in offices, common areas, and areas not meant to be seen by the public. Window tinting can be used to protect the privacy of employees as well. Philadelphia Tint Company window tinting also offers frosted, etched and and patterned options for indoor use. On top of these options, clients can select a variety of darkened shades for the exact look and privacy level desired for your particular needs.
  3. Strong Protection From UV Rays
    Window films and tints can block up to 99.9% of UV light emitted by the sun. Overexposure to UV radiation as we all know has been linked to several health issues, especially skin conditions including skin cancer. In the end, installing window tinting is a great way that you can protect the employees or clients in your facility. The sun’s harmful rays can also fade furniture and other materials, so protection is also gained there.
  4. Increased Safety of GlassWindow tinting can actually keep window glass from shattering in a catastrophe. Flying shards of glass in these situations would be detrimental. In addition to structural damage, films can keep people safe in this scenario. Professional window tinting can give you reassurance should these unfortunate occur.
  5. Long Lasting Value for Investment
    The cost of window tinting for your facility will vary based on several key factors. These factors will include the physical dimensions and the number of windows you’re having tinted. Also, the type of film or treatment you ultimately choose will play a role. Professional window tinting may seem like a costly investment, especially if you have a large facility. However, when applied and cared for properly, the films can last ten years or more.

So How Do I Find A trustworthy Window Tinting Company?

Installing professional window tinting for your facility can be an excellent value because you’ll be saving money in the long run. Plus you can spend less on shades and window blind treatments. t will also provide your company or facility with a clean, sophisticated and modern look sure to wow your customers and employees alike.

Philadelphia Tinting Company is the best in the tri-state area! You won’t want to trust just any company to tint the windows for your facility. Ask for our recommendations and testimonials and you’ll see the difference in our experience and service. Below are some tips for finding the right installation company:

  • Do their jobs seem to be done cleanly and professionally?
  • Was the staff on time and efficient? Were you always treated with respect and courtesy?
  • If you cannot get personal recommendations, search online for their social media or Google pages. Choose a local company, because these companies will have much needed experience in the regulations and climate limits for your location.
  • Take a look at online reviews and see what other clients say. Look for a pattern either good or bad, realizing most companies will have a few bad reviews from people. Look for any warning signs or comments about service and support as well.
  • Follow the golden rule you’d use for selecting a general contractor. Ask for three references you can speak to. You can ask specific questions about how happy they were with the products and services.
  • You’ll also want to get at least three estimates from local companies before you decide on the right one. It’s important to give each company the same idea in terms of the types of tinting and number of windows you’re looking for. With several estimates, you can be confident that the price you’ll be paying is reasonable for your job type and geographical area.
  • Be sure to examine and ask for any additional fees in writing before you hire. The right professionals will explain anything that you may not understand.

Installing professional window tinting for for your facility, office or building is worth the effort. It’s a smart business investment that will keep people and property safe, and it’s a valuable service that will provide a great benefit for years to come.

For the most experienced professional window tinting services in the Philadelphia area, contact us today.

Who We Are

Philadelphia Tint Company has been in business for over 30 plus years serving Philadelphia and Delaware Valley since 1990. We have been the leading Expert in Window Tinting. Whether for your home or business, we offer the reliability, experience, quality workmanship, and guarantees you are looking for in window tinting in the Delaware Valley.

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491 Baltimore Pike
Springfield, Pa 19064

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